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Details About the Day
Enter in teams of 4 and Entry is £16 per team
Please register your team and make payment on arrival.
Once we have all entries, your alley will be decided by the organisers.
The game will consist of 3 legs (subject to change dependent on number of entries)
Teams will decide who will be the scorer to keep score on the whiteboard. Scores must be reported to the bar after the game.
The highest 4 total scores across both alleys will then go into a play off.
1st and 3rd place teams will play on left alley, 2nd and 4th place teams will play on right alley.
The play off will be 3 legs winner is the team with the highest number of pins knocked down. Prizes for all play-off teams
Good luck and enjoy!
Kitchen will be open.
Joker Draw Raffle
Festive fun
Join in the Fun
Why not get in touch and book your team into our crazy social skittles day.

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